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3 Simple Tips For Creating A Vision Board

With the end of the year quickly approaching, D and I have been having ongoing conversations about our goals for the upcoming year. So, I thought I'd share a bit about how we use a vision board to set our family goals.

A few years ago, Douviere brought up the idea of starting a joint vision board to outline our goals. I had never made a vision board before but I liked the idea. We bought a small cock board from the dollar store, a pack of thumbtacks, and used printed pictures we found online to capture our hopes and dreams for the future. I'll be honest with you, it took a a few months... before I pinned anything to the board. I think my delay was caused by two things, 1) my natural tendency to procrastinate (like I did with this blog post), and not taking the time to reflect on the things I wanted to accomplish.

Generally, we will use the start of a new year to reflect on the things we've accomplished over the last 12 months and set some new goals for the year ahead. However, we do try to be a bit more fluid, marking off the goals we've achieved throughout the year, and replacing them with new ones.

No matter your style, I highly recommend creating a visual representation of what you want to achieve. According to Mr. Google, 'Visualization is one of the most popular and effective mind workouts that you can do.' Vision boards provide you with a daily visual reminder of your dreams and goals.

"Visualization is daydreaming with a purpose" Bo Bennett

First off, let me just say that over the last few years, I have seen the power of a vision board. Since creating our first one in 2017, we have achieved so many things in what seems like a short time. Seeing our dreams every day, prompted conversations about our plans to achieve them - What stage are we at? What else do we need to do to get there? Can we do more, be more, achieve more? Also, it's a great feeling to be able to physically cross something off, or unpin a picture, once we've achieved it.

Interested in starting your own Vision Board? Here are a few tips to get you started.

1. Just start!

Don't procrastinate as I did. Just start! This is for you so don't worry about perfection. Also, nothing is set in stone. You can edit/pivot your board as time goes on.

2. Be Authentic

This is meant to be a representation of the things you want to accomplish, feel, and experience. Before you start constructing your board, take some time and make note of the things you aspire to accomplish. Your goals can be a mix of short and long-term things.

If you're doing this with a group of friends, don't feel pressured to list things that others are. You only have one life to live - so don't follow someone else's path, create your own.

3. Set your own rules

At the end of the day, there is no "right way" to make a vision board. It's a representation of 'You' and you are unique. Use pictures and words that inspire you and represent the things you want out of life. When thinking about your goals, some categories to consider include:

- Business / Career

- Charitable giving 

- Education

- Family / Social Life

- Finances

- Health and Fitness

- Personal growth

- Travel / Fun

- Spirituality

You can use the old-school way of printing or cutting pictures from magazines, and sticking them to a physical foam/corkboard, or you can create a virtual/digital board. We've done both - I prefer the old school way.

Remember, having a dream/goal/vision is great, but a dream with no plan and no action is just a dream. Here's to achieving our goals in 2022!


Have you created a vision board before? How did you like it? Do you prefer old or new school vision boards?


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