Life Update - Aug 2020
So, it's been over a month since I last shared anything here. Initially, I tried to post once a week but life has gotten in the way of that. First of all, thank you to those of you who reached out wondering if or when I was going to share my next post. I'm happy to know that you're entertained by my ramblings. I'm going to try to get back into the groove of things with this life update. So what's been going on? A few things.

I've returned to work post-mat-leave
My year of maternity leave ended in July and I'm back to my 9-5. Yaaaaayyyyy...Kinda.
If you're not familiar with the Canadian health care system, YES, we get a year of maternity leave - you could actually take up to 18 months if you wanted.
I was happy to return to work after being away for a year. However, it's only been six weeks and I'm exhausted. Working from home with a 1-year-old is ALOTTTTTTT!!! Currently, Douviere and I work from home and with COVID still active we're not comfortable sending her to daycare just yet. Right now I'm a full-time mommy and employee at the same time. I'm not too worried about managing my time; my current mentality is, 'it is what it is, just deal with the next hour, the rest will come.' Honestly, I think all of this is harder on Mia. We're both home and we can't give her the attention that she's used to. Also, she's becoming quite clingy and I think its a byproduct of her not being exposed to many people for the majority of this year.
Anyway, we are coping with me being back at work but as you can imagine my 'free-time' to write has diminished quite a bit. These days my priorities are, 1) Amelia, 2) work, 3) sleep, 4) everything else.
We transitioned Mia to her own room
It took us (me) a while but, we finally got Amelia bedroom together....mostly. I'm more of a function over fashion kinda person so I haven't gotten around to the small decor details as yet. I really wanted to get her into her room around her 1st birthday and I'm happy to say that we did. That first night I was mentally preparing myself for her to wake up screaming, but to my surprise, for the first time since she was born, she slept through the night - 12 hours to be exact.
What would have been nice was if I had slept for 12 hours. Nope!!! Yah, I was that mom... constantly up checking to make sure she was alright. Since then, more often than not, she will sleep through the night and I will get a full night's sleep...mostly... I still get up once or twice to check on her.
I can't help it.
I'm thinking of doing a post - 'Nursery Room Reveal' - but I'm not sure how I'll go about it. It's her private space and I don't want to fully put it out there. Maybe I'll just highlight some things we did and included in the space. If you've seen her birthday post, you've already gotten a small glimpse of the space. TBD. Stay tuned.
Amelia got sick
Mia was sick for about a week. :(
She had an infection (common in children her age) that caused a few days of fever followed by a rash. I don't want to dwell too much on this but I've never felt more helpless and out of sorts. One night I kept her next to me because it seemed like the Tylenol was not helping, her temperature would not go down, and I was worried out of my mind. A cold bath in the early morning seemed to help and her temperature finally broke about an hour later.
Side note - she cried the entire time we had her in the cold bath, and the next evening when she had her regular warm bath. I think she had some type of PTSD from the cold water.
I'm happy to say that she's fully recovered and back to all her antics.
Douviere's been obsessed with the backyard
Whenever D gets into a new project he gives it 100%. His motto is 'if you're gonna do it, you better do it right'. His latest project (obsession) is taking care of the lawn. Everything was going great but then the weeds started taking over. He tried using weed killer from the Home Depot but it didn't seem to be working. Fear not, he was not about to be outsmarted by some weeds. At that point, I stopped asking questions and just let him do this thing.
What I gather is that Mr. Google recommended some other spray that would kill the weeds but not harm the healthy grass. So, he bought it and used it. About a week later, I noticed the grass had blond don't believe me? Zoom in on the picture below. My sister-in-law and I started referring to it as 'Becky with the good hair'.

I'm happy to report that Becky's good hair is almost gone. After some effort, and a few rounds of mowing the lawn, it's almost back to normal.

Now, he's in the process of installing a sprinkler system he's designing from scratch. Remember, I'm not asking any questions.
What have you been up to lately? Anything interesting?