5 Survival tips for new moms from a new mom
Between well-intentioned family members, friends, parenting books, and Google, there is an endless supply of advice available to new moms. From my experience, it's hard to know what advice to take and what you should ignore. You simply don't know what you don't know. However, advice from other moms tends to be more useful. The less sugarcoated the better.

I don't remember many details of the first weeks after Mia was born but, I remember being focused on her, making sure that everything was perfect, and that she wanted for nothing.

My mother-in-law was a God-sent as she stayed with us for the first few months after Amelia was born. She helped with cooking, cleaning and provided an extra set of hands to hold Amelia. After she left, reality set in. There were not enough hours in the day. On top of that, I felt like a character from Invasion of the Body Snatchers. With the weight gain, healing from my cesarean, and breastfeeding, my body did not feel like my own anymore.
Being a new mom is a very joyful, tiring, emotional, and overwhelming experience. Some days it feels like you're drowning in all things baby and there's no escape route. I thought I was fully prepared to care for a little human, but I now know that being a mom (parent) is a learn as you go type of job. When you think you've got things figured out, your little person throws something new at you; crawling, teething, walking etc.
In an effort to help my fellow new moms, I've compiled a list of the best advice I've received and things that helped me achieve my #momgoals and survive the early stages of motherhood.
1. Don't be afraid to ask/accept help
There's no need to do it all yourself, after all, it takes a village to raise a child. There's no 'New mom who did the most' prize.
Also, find yourself a mommy group. You can brag and complain about your kids together. Also, you can provide much-needed advice and encouragement to each other. Attending classes at the EarlyOn Centres in my neighbourhood helped me get through some of the toughest days.
2. Don't panic for every unknown
Granted, you've never been a mom before; if this is your first child, and this is all new to you. Try not to go into a panic over every slip, fall, or scrap. Let a situation settle first before you jump into a course of action. This is something I struggle with so hopefully, you find it easier than I do.
If I'm unsure, I call our family doctor first, (after I call my mom). No one wants to sit in a hospital for hours with an infant if they don't need to. However, it is better to be safe than sorry. By the way, Google can be a scary place so use it with caution.
3. Make time for yourself (and your significant other)
You can't properly take care of others if you don't first take care of yourself. This has been my biggest lesson since becoming a mom, finding time for self-love and care. It sounds simple but it can be difficult to implement with a newborn/infant.
The other day, I went to the hardware store. While there, I sent a picture of myself (alone) to my sister. Her response, "Turn up at Lowes!!" She was so right. Once I picked up what I went there for, I spent some time walking the aisles. No baby. No husband. Just me and my HGTV home makeover dreams. When I got home I felt refreshed. My point - do whatever you need to do to center yourself.

I'd also add here that you should make time to (re)connect with your spouse. With a lot going on, your relationship may be one of the first things neglected. It can be hard to carve out quality time together, or to simply talk about something not baby related. However, it is important that you do so. You don't want to wake up one day and realize that you've become roommates, co-parents, and nothing else.
4. Be comfortable with yourself
There is a lot of social pressure to bounce back post-baby. I was reminded recently that similarly to how every pregnancy is different, so is postpartum. Take things at your pace and try not to compare yourself to others. #instamoms
I set small goals for myself - 3lbs, 5lbs, finish 10 minutes of an exercise program, then 15 minutes...etc... you get my point. Don't forget to celebrate your wins, I always celebrate mine. How do I celebrate? A treat 😁. Icecream, cake, or cookies. After all, what's life if we don't celebrate our victories.
5. Be the mom your baby needs
For me, my ultimate #momgoal is to be the mom my daughter needs me to be, no matter her age. Motherhood (parenting) is not one size fits all. Every child is different in his or her own way so what works for one may not work for another.
Some babies are excellent sleepers, some (like mine) experience sleep regression and a full night's sleep becomes a fond memory. Some babies cry a lot, others are calmer. Some love to be held all the time, while others are content on their own. No one knows your baby like you do, so trust your instincts.
You'll get a lot of advice about a lot of things, including everything I've shared in this post. It can be valuable to seek advice from those with experience but it is perfectly ok to accept the advice that you want to and kindly reject others.
When your days and nights seem to be endless, remember that you are doing your best and, to your little one, you're the best mama in the whole world.
Disclaimer: Take my advice/perspective for what is it, the thoughts of a new mom still in the trenches, continuously learning new ways to make motherhood easier.
Did I miss anything? What tips would you add to this list?